Never Ending



October 03, 2010

Guess paper 1 (May Allah work it out and help you)

Guess paper (May Allah work it out and help you)

OCT/NOV 2010 Guess (paper 1)
(it is for those who have completely gone through the syllabus. Don't be a blind follower)
Allah in Himself or Allah’s Messengers

(a) Outline the main theme of the verses of the Holy Quran you have studied about Allah’s messengers/God in himself/God’s relation with the created world?
The Holy Quran in relation with Ijma or Qiyas.

(b) What message can be derived from these teachings?

(a) Writ a note on the farewell sermon?
Explain the importance of The last Sermon in the history of Islam.
 Why was the treaty of Hudaibya an important turning point for the Muslims?

(a) Explain the importance of  Hazrat khadija during the lifetime of Holy prophet and Hazrat Ayesha after the life of the Holy  prophet (S.A.W)?

(b) How prophet’s behavior towards his wives provides a model for Muslims to follow?

 (a) Write a short biographical account of Abu Talib/ Hzrat Abu Sufiyan/ Hazrat Ameer Hamza/ Hazrat Bilal.
(b) Explain why the death of Abu Talib threatened the security of the Holy  Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah?

(a) Outline four qualities of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) that make him a model for Muslims to follow?
(b) Explain the meaning of title seal of prophets?